Monday, February 25, 2008

Marathon Monday

We had a really busy Monday. My goal was to make it to bedtime with no meltdowns. We almost made it.

We started off with storytime and a couple of errands and then it was on to a birthday party!

Jack LOVES icing. He also ate 3 pieces of pizza!

After the party we went to the park. He has been asking to go to this park for weeks, but it has been too cold or windy or we've been sick or something!

Checking out the slide. Eventually the wind picked up and we went home.

After about an hour at home, we left to meet up with friends at a new play place in town. Jack enjoyed the dress-up room. He tried on a stethoscope, but I discouraged it.

They also have some really neat climbing stuff, too.

After all of that (plus dinner) he was pretty frazzled and had a nice little meltdown. We almost made it! We went home, read some books, and he was out by 7:30. That gave me time to meet the scrapbook challenge I received to do at least 1 page a day. This was just Day 1, so we'll see how that goes.

Tomorrow we are taking it easy!

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