Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Birthday, Boris!

Today Boris turned seven, and of course we had to celebrate--and share lots of pictures!

We were thrilled when Boris reached his first birthday. We got him and Biscuit (our other kitten) in January 2002, and in March of that year we had to put Biscuit to sleep because she had FIP. The vet said there was a good chance that since Boris had been so ill while he was around Biscuit, he may have contracted it and it was just a waiting game to see what would happen.

The first birthday party!

You know a cat is awesome when my parents will wear party hats and let it stay in their house.
We continued to celebrate each year. For his third birthday he actually got three cakes--one at home for the three of us, one at school for my class, and one for our whole family when they visited. I had recently taken a cake decorating class and we thought we should go all out since after the baby came he probably wouldn't get any more parties.

2005 Of course he got more parties!
(I can't believe how small that kitchen was!)


2007 Jack chose an apple theme that year.

2008 Jack is on the phone with Jay singing "Happy Birthday" for Bobe.

Helping with the candle, which was face down and starting to burn the cookie cake.

My boys a couple of nights ago. Are they cute, or what??

"I love cats because I enjoy my home, and little by little, they become its visible soul."
- Jean CocteauHappy Birthday, Bobey. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! My kids are asking if we can have a party for Gunner this year. He turns 3 in May. My husband thinks we are nuts but I am going to let the kids celebrate this time.
