Friday, April 4, 2008

The Medieval Fair

Since we've been learning about knights and castles lately, Jack was excited about going to the medieval fair this morning. I tried to talk him into going tomorrow since it was so cold, but it HAD to be today!
Ye Olde Castle Bouncer

Jack thought this armor was cool because it had a lion on it--just like the shield he made!

They had camel rides and elephant rides, but Jack just wanted to watch. I was glad.

Jack had his first ever funnel cake. No, we didn't finish the whole thing!


Jack's new dragon hat!

Before the joust they had people who came around and passed out little rocks and glass beads. Jack thought this was very impressive.

A real-life knight!

You can't see it really well, but he is trying to catch the rings. I didn't get any good pictures of them jousting because a) I was standing behind a couple of rows of middle schoolers, and b) I was trying to hold Jack up to see for about half an hour. I think I have lost the use of my left arm now.

After the fair we went to lunch and Jack had to check out his rocks and beads.

Even though we were freezing most of the time, we had a great morning. Maybe next year we will try out a camel ride!

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