Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Marking a Milestone

I hesitate to put this out there for fear of jinxing it, but last night Jack went to sleep on his own for the first time. Those of you who don't know me in real life are probably thinking, "Jack? Surely she must mean some infant that she's just never talked about here before. Surely she doesn't mean Jack!" Yes, I mean Jack. The same Jack who will turn four in less than one week.

Monday night he was getting pretty wild at bedtime, so we decided to have him try to go to sleep on his own. Lots of sobbing and hiccuping and pleading ensued and he finally compromised by curling up part way with Jay until he fell asleep. He woke up around 11:30 and grabbed my neck with herculean strength and tried to get me to promise not to leave his room. The next morning he told me several times that he never wanted to sleep alone again. So last night I was not too optimistic.

Bedtime is usually around 8:00, but when 8:00 rolled around, we were still at the library and had more errands and dinner left on the to-do list, so Jack wasn't ready for bed until about 10:00. We went through his regular bedtime routine and after we were all done he listened to a couple of stories on CD and fell asleep on his own. I was pretty sure it was a fluke, but he did it again tonight--only with much more calling out from his room. So maybe this is going to stick, after all.

Now if we can just get him to sleep through the night...


  1. WOOHOO! That is awesome. Dont worry about his age. Nan was well past her 4th birthday when she went to sleep on her own for the first time and then was well over 4.5 after she slept through the night!

  2. lol - My Jack is 3 1/2 and still does not sleep through the night. He ends up in our bed by 2 am every night... but we do finally have him GOING to sleep in his bed :)

  3. No worries, Avery did sleep through the night, but wouldn't fall asleep unless he was literally holding onto my hair in a death grip until he was about 4.5, which resulted in me falling asleep half the time and waking up at 11:00pm scrunched up in his bed, oops ;)
