Monday, July 21, 2008

Old Friends

Saturday night we were able to get together with some friends from high school--or actually middle school, in some cases. Other than my initial panic over the fact that we were meeting at a restaurant with "sushi" in the name, I had a wonderful time.

Present day: Sara, Eli, Steve, Alicia, Jay

1994: How cute is it that Sara and Eli still have the same pose?

1994: Alicia in English

1994: Jay (I thought I'd better include a nice old picture since his face is blurry in the new one.)

As I was downloading the pictures from this weekend, I realized I had never posted about some old friends I got to see about a month and a half ago...

Our church's high school choir took a trip every summer. My freshman year we went to Washington, D.C.; my sophomore year we went on a prison tour (yes, I said prison); my junior year we went to Alaska; my senior year we went to California. There was so much hard work that went into these trips for all of us kids, so you know it must have been insane for the person who was in charge, but Brother Charles always looked like he was having as much fun as we were.

1991: On the steps of the Senate building with David Boren (Okay, wearing these pink shirts definitely was not fun.)

1993: Brother Charles on the bus in Alaska

Brother Charles retired in June, and as a surprise, many of us from his old youth choirs showed up and sang some of the songs from long ago--songs we could probably sing even if we had been in a coma for ten years and remembered nothing else. It was a wonderful time to get to see him and many friends I hadn't seen in a while.

With Brother Charles and his wife, Linda

1992: At Laura's birthday party

With Laura in June

1986?: Ready to go to camp with Rachel

With Rachel in June

With Chad in June (I know I have some pictures of him at Universal Studios about 15 years ago, but I am not sure Jay wants me in there hunting for them while he tried to sleep, so maybe those will appear on another post.)

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."
-- C.S. Lewis

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