Friday, September 19, 2008

At the Airport

We wrapped up our week of learning about airplanes with a trip to the airport.

They had several different planes out that you could look in--and some you could even get in!

Jack liked pretending that this plane (N34) was taking us to Mars.

This is N34, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. (I read that on the handout.) It is the FAA's last DC-3 and it was built in Oklahoma in 1945--again, from the handout. It was Jack's favorite thing there.

I'm not sure if it was actually part of the event (there was yellow caution tape all around the plane), but some guy let Jack sit in this plane.

We got to go up in the control tower and listen to the air traffic controllers talk to some planes. They must be getting short on controllers because I heard one of the ladies there talking it up with several people. The man in the simulator lab told me all I would have to do was take a few courses. That's more than a little scary to me.

A cool OU plane

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