Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nature Walk: Insects

This morning we went to the museum for a nature walk. When we went to the children's room to wait for the leaders, Jack immediately grabbed the buffalo horn off the table and said, "Mom, find that other horn!" I think these are his new favorite things.

For the second time, Jack was the only kid on the walk. This kind of thing doesn't help much when I am trying to explain to him that it is not only his museum.

The focus of the walk was technically plants, but everywhere we looked we saw all kinds of bugs. This tree was covered with caterpillars that will become Monarch butterflies. Unfortunately, all of my pictures were fuzzy.

Can you spot the grasshopper?

Bees and sunflowers

After the walk, we went upstairs and Jack got to pet a baby snake. He was not too scared of the snake, but he was quite concerned about the spider puppet sitting on the side of the cart. The library has one like it and he was worried that someone had taken Ms. Susan's puppet. I am sure she'll hear about it next week.

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