Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Camping time is a great time to do some nature activities! I used the egg carton idea again (that I originally got from Ami), but this time I was smarter and made more than one. They started filling them up right away and then emptied them into their boxes and started again.

Jack loves this magnifying glass. We can only hope that when it comes to science he will take after Jay and not after me. (Though as I like to remind Jay, I did receive the Outstanding Biology Student Award in 10th grade. He is completely mystified by this, and I have to admit that I am, too.)

I made up several scavenger hunt cards. Jack is becoming either competitive or lazy. He told me he saw a lizard bird, so that could count for two squares. He has plans for Penny (Jay's parents' dog) to help him find some lizards for real.

We saw several frogs. This one jumped in the dish pan--and then into my niece's hair.

A caterpillar climbing on Dad

Maybe this isn't technically a nature activity, but I have to show you this giant hole I stepped in. And I mean giant--I fell in all the way up to my knee! It looked like some kind of animal hole, but thankfully I didn't see the animal that went with it. If I had, I am sure it would have merited its own blog entry.

Now that the weather is finally turning cooler I am hoping to get us out for more nature walks around home, and next month I am going to hear a speaker on the book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.

1 comment:

  1. Love your ds response about seeing a bird lizard. Just proves he's a good thinker.
