Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Pictures

We left town Wednesday to begin the Christmas festivities at home. Every other time of the year I always have my camera nearby and am taking lots of pictures, but for some reason I never seem to have very many of Christmas. Here are a few I did get!
Every Christmas Eve we go over to Jay's former neighbors' house for a Christmas Eve party. This is the one picture I took there--Jay and Jack with Linda (and of course, the dog, Rufus).

After the party, we headed over to Jay's parents' house to spend the night and open presents in the morning. Jack had some company while he waited for the presents to be passed out.

These are the cutest pajamas that Jack got from his Nana and Papa. You can see them (and more like them) here.

Around lunch time we went to my parents' house to celebrate there.
Jack and his cousins.

Everyone trying to ride on Grandpa's feet.

What there are no pictures of:
  • Christmas night all of my aunts and uncles and cousins came over and we all had dinner together.
  • Jay met with a builder and saw some plans for our house.
  • We got together with some old (only in terms of the time we've known them, not in age) friends from high school (and before).
  • Jack spent the night at a hotel with my parents and his cousins.
  • Jay and I looked all over the house for at least twenty minutes trying to find Boris. We eventually found him curled up in some blankets in the back bedroom. He really hates leaving Grandma and Grandpa's house.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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