Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today we went to an exhibit on shipwrecks and pirates.

Jack was excited to see the treasure!

A pirate and a parrot!

They had a hurricane exhibit where you could get inside a tube and experience hurricane-force winds. Just after Jay took this picture we were knocking on the door for him to let us out. It was getting hard to breathe and Jack was really not sure about the whole thing.

Jack got to practice steering a ship.

Jack and Jay were trying to figure out what was in the different treasure chests.

Some of the items recovered from a shipwreck

Fearsome pirates!

Running around in the big open space upstairs

Jack loves the treehouse!

After several hours at the museum, we went out to lunch and then home for some Bobey Day fun. Jack was worn out and fell asleep almost immediately at bedtime!

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