Monday, February 2, 2009

Celebrity Lookalikes

I remember my mom saying a long time ago that someone kind of looked like John Goodman. My dad said, "I don't think they'd be too happy to hear that." My mom seemed a bit surprised, like, why wouldn't someone want to look like someone famous?

Well, today I realized who my celebrity double is. Unfortunately, it's House.

This afternoon as I was distributing random items to their proper places, I was walking down the hall with Jack's sword at my side. For some reason, the picture I had of myself in my mind seemed very familiar. Then it came to me: five months of pregnancy and a raging case of sciatica have left me with a lovely limp, especially if it's late in the day and I've been on my feet a lot. So now I look like House, just fatter and less scruffy. Thankfully, though, I am not nearly as grumpy, though I did tell Jay that I could see why people with chronic pain issues could become addicts.

Just four more months to go...


  1. Gotta love that sciatic nerve ~ that is such an awful feeling, can't sit, walk, turn, bend over.....I HATE THAT!! Well you have my sympathy and you should definitely use it while you can ~ "Honey can you pick up for me, honey can you load the dishwasher..." I could go on and on...

  2. So which person on there do you look like?

  3. I should not be drinking a coke reading your blog. You are to funny!! House bahahaha
