Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We started Easter a week early by coloring eggs.

Jack decided he wanted to do some "work" eggs. At our house, if something is camouflage, Jack uses the word "work" to describe it.

We had our Easter dinner at home last Sunday. You can tell I went all out on the table.

Last week we did some Easter crafts and decorated cookies.

We made this tomb look like rock by mixing paint, glue, and sand. We were pretty impressed with ourselves.

On Friday we had resurrection rolls for breakfast. I am not sure that mixing theology with cooking is a good idea in my house because my recipes don't always turn out exactly like they're supposed to. For instance, if the marshmallow is supposed to represent Jesus, are my children going to think that Mary arrived at the tomb to find Jesus obliterated just outside?

Easter morning--last year's loose dress was this year's tight one. Jack was a very good boy during church, but when it came time for Sunday school, he kept crying and trying to run away. Then the teacher brought a cute little girl to the door and he went off with her without giving me another glance.

We had lunch at Jay's parents' house and the kids had an egg hunt in the drizzly rain.

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