Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Week of Firsts

In addition to the museum, Alice had several other firsts this week. On Wednesday, we went to the zoo. It was horribly hot, so we only stayed an hour.

Normally we wouldn't have gone when it was so hot, but Jack had to see the dinosaurs one last time before the exhibit closed.

We also stopped by the butterfly garden and Jack got to work on a butterfly hunt.

Thursday was the first time Alice went to storytime. You can't really tell it from the one picture I took, so just take my word that she's in the storytime room.

And I didn't take any pictures while we were there, but Friday was Alice's first checkup. She weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces and was 22 inches. When she was born, she was 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 21 inches, so she's growing quite well.

Today Jack got his first video game for his birthday--a Madagascar game for the GameBoy Advance. He thinks it is the coolest!

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