Monday, September 14, 2009

Road Trip

What should you do when you have a baby who hates the car seat, you're two weeks from closing on your house, and have four million details to figure out for the house you're building two hours away? Hit the road, of course! Jay's sister got married last week, so we took a little trip to Eureka Springs. Even though we have so much going on, it was a nice trip!

Well, it was nice except for this part. This sign also comes in the 6 mile variety. And I have a real problem with crooked and steep roads. Especially when I'm the passenger. And it's raining. And the baby is screaming. I probably should have been medicated for the last part of the trip.

Alice did quite well most of the way there. On the way back, not so much.

Jack kept himself entertained with his Etch-a-Sketch and GameBoy.

He was excited when he saw we would go through a tunnel, but a little disappointed that it didn't take us back in time. Thanks, Dinosaur Train.

We stayed at the Basin Park Hotel. Parking for the hotel is not anywhere near the hotel. We had to take these stairs to get between the hotel (at the top left of the picture) and the parking lot. That's a lot of fun when you're carrying bags and a baby. If I lived in Eureka Springs I would be thin or dead within a week.

For just $150 a night, you, too, can have such historic luxury.

Jack liked the little closet cubby until Jay moved away.

The view from our room was nice. Not really $150 nice, but nice.

I laughed every time I saw this sign.

Hopefully I will get more pictures from the weekend up soon. There are wedding pictures and pictures of the painting in the new house!


  1. I got married in Eureka Springs! Love the "Lee Jeans" sign. :-)

  2. Where are the pics of the kids dressed up for the wedding????rwbgma

  3. Don't you love the sink outside the bathroom? That's typical here.. even in our homes. Drives me nutty thinking of all the germs on the stinking door knob in the toilet.
