Friday, December 25, 2009


We've had a bit of crazy weather the last few days. The week started off fairly warm, and Wednesday afternoon we had rain showers.

And even a rainbow!

I'm guessing that Oklahoma is one of the few places you'll see a weather advisory like this.

Thursday (while Jay and Jack were out finishing up shopping), the rain turned to sleet...

,,,and then to snow. By bedtime, we were in the middle of a blizzard warning.

It had stopped by the morning and everything looked beautiful. This is the view out the front windows.

And here is the back yard.

Jack played outside for a while.

Jay worked on digging out the car. It wasn't going to happen. Eventually, my brother-in-law, Kevin, came to get us in his giant SUV.

It's a good thing he did, because this was the scene in front of our house. I don't know if you can see it well, but in the middle of the picture is a guy about to try to tie his truck to the phone pole to get out of the ditch. It took us almost an hour and a half to get to my sister-in-law's house--usually a 25 minute drive. My nieces counted close to 30 cars in the ditches on the way.

Once we got there, the kids spent a bit more time outside. Since it's not supposed to be above freezing for a few more days, I think the snow boots are going to be put to good use!

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