Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

We had a great New Year's Eve here at home.

Earlier in the day, the kids and I went to the store--with the exception of Christmas, it was the first time we'd left the house in over a week. Alice got to try out her new boots and ride in the seat of the shopping cart for the first time.

Later on, we tried out the crayon maker Jack got for Christmas.

Four new swirly crayons!

At 5:00, we started our New Year's Eve bags.

The 6:00 bag had a new I Spy puzzle!

At 8:00 (7:00 was making dinner and brownies), we played one of the new games Jack got for Christmas.

He loved getting to open the bags, but he was nervous about getting too close to the fireplace.

9:00 was time to make our noisemakers.

All done! Can you guess who made each one?

At 10:00, we started a new Scooby movie. 11:00 was time to pop some popcorn. After the movie, Jay and Jack watched a little He-Man and Jack nodded off for a few minutes.

He was ready to go again at midnight, though!

Alice only made it until about 9:15.

She was, however, ready for the New Year bright and early this morning!


New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain

1 comment:

  1. I am going to have to do the bags next year (this year?). They look so fun. Great pic of the sunrise, I love where you live. Happy New Year!!
