Friday, February 19, 2010

11 Things I've Been Doing Instead of Blogging

1. Valentine's Day: We don't really do anything, but Jack got a new He-Man toy and Alice got a new puzzle. My mom made heart-shaped meatloaves with the kids' names on them.

2. Reading: I've actually completed two books lately, which is more than I've read in a long time. When Jack was a baby, I was able to read while he nursed. I read so much that I even read a book about doors in Colonial Williamsburg. That's a lot of reading. Alice wants to look at the book, too, though, so it doesn't work now.

3. Cooking: Now that we have another freezer, I'm trying to keep as many meals available as I can. This week I made Chicken Spaghetti. No recipe with Velveeta can be bad, and you know it.

4. Sick Kid: Jack has had a hard time shaking the bug we've all had. I finally took him to the doctor a couple of days ago. He tested negative for RSV and mono and finally has removed the bandaid from the finger prick.

5. Car Repair: I love my Corolla. I could drive one until I die and be happy. If my passenger headlight goes out again, though, you may see the results on the evening news. We've spent a lot of time at the car place lately.

6. Clothes: I have about four thousand items of clothing to prepare for the upcoming consignment sale. I want to cry when I think about it. I was going to participate in a sale at the end of the month, but after the tagging site lost my first round of tags, I decided to wait for the local one next month.

7. Watching Alice: She's not technically crawling yet, but she's quite mobile. This house is more than three times the size of the apartment we had when Jack was this age, so it is much more of a challenge than what I was used to. Also, Jack would wake up from a nap, cry, and wait for you to come get him. If you dash into the room at the first peep you hear from Alice, you'll find her sitting on the edge of the bed or dragging herself across it. She waits for no one.

8. Floors: Always with the floors. Always.

9. Learning: We finished up with bears and have just started learning about the body.

10, Cuddles: I'll just come on out and say it. This kid is spoiled rotten. She gets cuddled all the time. Where do you think she's napping while I type this? Certainly not upstairs. I can't run that fast.

11. Wasting Time Online: Jay found this site and I have been in tears over some of these lists. Warning: Don't read these at work or around your kids. Some are definitely not appropriate. And then your five year old will want to know why mommy closed the computer and put her head on the table and had tears running down her cheeks.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Chicken Spaghetti is AWESOME! Enjoy those cuddles. That's way more fun than blogging. :-)

  2. OH you're totally cracking me up with that last one!! I couldn't read any longer, the tears were beginning to form!

    Let's get together soon!

  3. Loved the picture of you and Alice!
