Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy 10 Months!

It seems like just yesterday that this big girl was a tiny baby. I can't believe I've already started mulling over ideas for her first birthday party.

Alice is definitely a morning person. I took this picture yesterday morning around 6:00 (so please excuse my beautiful look), which I'm glad to say is early for us now. She seems to be sleeping better with her big bed and naps a little more regularly, too--though still not for a long time.

She isn't walking yet, but she pulls up on everything and crawls everywhere--fast. One of her favorite things to do is stand at the side of the tub when Jack is taking a bath. Sometimes she'll drop things in the water for Jack to pick up--and then she drops them back in. They both think this is beyond funny.

Early last week, Alice got up one step of the stairs. Friday she climbed all the way to the top. I guess Thursday's gymnastics class paid off.

Even with all that movement, she's finally starting to chunk up. She refuses to eat baby food, so we're trying all kinds of new things.

She also stopped liking baths, so I started bathing her in the kitchen sink. It has been a huge hit, but now she wants to turn on the sink every time we go by.

In spite of all of the other changes, one thing is constant: She still adores her brother. Hopefully we still have a while to go before the fighting starts!

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Alice!

1 comment:

  1. I love her ecstatic face in the bathroom mirror. And the picture in the sink, her face reminds me so much of Jay there.
