Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Last Day of Kindergarten

Friday was our last day of kindergarten. He looks so much older than when we began. His second tooth is about to fall out! Because we missed so much time when we moved and because I don't want him to lose what he's learned, we will be doing math and reading over the summer. I just picked Friday to call the last day because he was wondering when it would be, and I was needing some guilt-free days off soon to work on party preparations and go to the zoo before it gets too hot (too late).

We had a special breakfast at IHOP.

In his muffin tin meal, his sign said, "Goodbye, Kindergarten!"

"Hello, 1st Grade!"

I let him have the first item from his still-not-done Summer Adventure Box--an Egyptian Playmobil man. We have an exciting summer planned!

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