Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vacation: Monday

Last week Jack was attending a week-long camp at the museum, so I took the kids on a little vacation. We pulled out of the driveway at 9:00 Monday morning.

We got into town in time for a little lunch. Alice thinks it's fun to feed people, and Jack thought it was great fun to be fed.

The first day of class! This is the third time he's taken a class here and he has always enjoyed it.

Alice got to enjoy herself a little before it was time for us to leave.

That evening we attended a science program at the library. This is how Alice spent pretty much the whole hour: rolling around on the floor flashing people, trying to sneak out the back door, and strewing stale Chocolate Cheerios under the chairs. It must have been tiring for her, too, because she fell asleep as soon as we got in the car.

On the way back to the hotel, we tried out a new yogurt place.

And as soon as we reached the hotel, Alice woke up. Don't they look ready for bed here? Sleep didn't come for them until about 11:00, and then I did what all moms do on vacation: Sat in the bathroom and read math curriculum information.

More vacation posts soon!

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