Friday, October 22, 2010

One Year and Two Ovens

We've been in our house for one year now. Before we moved in, I told Jay I wanted to have everything unpacked and pictures on the walls and everything by one year. Ahem. Turns out it's not so easy to do when you've got kids and jobs and life happening. There were a couple of times that I thought life might run us right back into the city, but now that we've been here for an entire year, we have a better idea of what to expect and hopefully can deal with it a little better. We'll see.

So why the month old picture of my messy kitchen? A) I had an idea for a post in my head and never got around to it so I'm doing this as I eat dinner in my pajamas and B) This picture shows two of my most favorite things about our house--the two ovens and the under cabinet lighting. I could definitely give up square footage, wood floors, or a big bathtub, but I think I may die if I ever have to live in a house with one oven and dark counters. It is divine.

The ovens were also the first thing Amber noticed when I posted this picture of Jack and his new haircut. I'm still laughing about that. Hint to husbands: Girls like ovens. Maybe some day I will get some pictures up of the kitchen when it's clean!


  1. Jack is such a cutie! And I did comment on a different pic of him! (don't want people to think I didn't notice him at all!) I do so love the ovens. They are going on my "dream home" wish list. :-) And that lighting is pretty cool, too!!

  2. That's messy?! :) Looks great to me, you guys have such a beautiful home and we're glad you guys are here! Jack's new haircut looks great!! Such a good looking kid!

  3. What a handsome young man!!!
