Monday, October 18, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch today--the real one, not the Simpson's-esque place we went last year.

As soon as we saw the camel, Jack had to ride it.

He had a great time feeding all the different animals, too.

Alice just wanted to watch from a distance.

I thought she would be okay with having her picture taken here...

...but it turned out she wanted to keep her distance from him, too.

Jack loved the horses, of course.

Alice wasn't so sure (I know you're shocked), but we were the only ones there at the time, so the man let her sit on the horse and pet him a bit and she finally warmed up to him enough to ride a few laps.

Jack's favorite thing was this hay house. It was pitch black inside and the two times I went through, I cheated and used my camera flash to light my way. Jack went through it so many times he could run through it (there were several turns) and be out the other side in the time it took me to walk from the entrance to the exit.

Headed to check out the pumpkins!

They both got to take one home!

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