Monday, September 26, 2011

They Were Strong and Good

We recently rowed They Were Strong and Good, the 1941 Caldecott Medal winner.

Jack mapped the states listed in the story and then mapped out where his family members were born.

Homeplace is a neat book that shows how one places changes over time. After we read this and talked about changes we saw in They Were Strong and Good, we took our field trip to see how our town had changed. You should also take a look at Let's Go Home, by Cynthia Rylant and Wendy Anderson Halperin if you like this one.

Who's Who in My Family is very helpful with all those terms like second cousin and first cousin once removed!

Tilt your head and you can see the family tree Jack made--he was offended that Alice wasn't on there, so he added her.

Alice made more of a family scattering.

"None of them were famous, but they were strong and good. They worked hard and had many children. They all helped to make the United States the great nation that it now is. Let us be proud of them and guard well the heritage they have left us."
~ Robert Lawson, They Were Strong and Good

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