Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Good: Alice learned how to make an A today. Now if I could get her to stop counting 1,2,3,2,1--frustrating since I have heard her count backwards from 10 just fine.

Bad: The repairman came to fix my dryer yesterday. I started washing like crazy and the first load dried fine, the second load was a bit cool, and the third load stayed sopping wet. And of course there was a fourth load that had already been washed. Maybe by Thursday I will be able to get us some non-scratchy towels and undies.

Ugly: My desk (really the whole school room, but I'm not posting a picture of that!) is bad. Over the past few busy weeks, what is normally fairly messy has gone to chaotic and frustrating. I'm posting this because I read over on Dawn's blog that Friday is National Organize Your Home Office Day. This is the closest thing I have to an office, and it's going to take more than one day, but I'm working on it!

Our spring has started off rainy. This is Alice in a puddle in our front yard. I'll post more of the spring things we did later this week!

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