Friday, June 1, 2012

The Glorious Flight

 Our last FIAR book for the year was The Glorious Flight.

 Since there are pictures of books, you'll need to turn your head.  Blogger has something against pictures of go-alongs.

 I had checked this book out of the library and a couple of days later this great Roman Numerals activity showed up on Pinterest.  I love it when that happens!

 When we took our trip to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum we were able to identify all the airplane parts from the lapbook diagram!

 As usual, our lapbook pieces came from Homeschool Share.  I don't know what I would do without HSS!


 This math activity was from a book I used with my fifth graders when we did a flight unit ages ago.  You had to find the distance different airplanes could fly in two hours, three hours, etc. and then graph their distance after one hour.  I was impressed at how quickly Jack realized he could just count by 3s and add a 0 instead of trying to count by 30.

 The very last page in his second grade notebook!

Happy Friday!

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