Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More Presidential Fun

 We're still chugging along with our President of the Week!  I came across this book when we studied Theodore Roosevelt.  We didn't really use it much because it's geared toward a little bit older kids and we're not going into that much depth right now, but I have it on my list for later.  It has a pretty good biography and some fun activities, too!

 This book is about William Howard Taft, who loved all kinds of food!  I happened across this a while ago at our used bookstore and it was really cute.

 We're also still trying out the favorite foods of the presidents.  Usually there is something listed we are willing to try, but sometimes I have to get creative.  The only thing listed for Taft was turtle soup, and needless to say, I wasn't going to attempt that!

Instead, I made this cute turtle bread (with Alice's help!) and we had regular chicken noodle soup with it.  It was really easy--though we needed to poke the eyes in a little deeper, apparently!

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