Monday, August 6, 2012

Dog Days

 We haven't been up to much lately--mostly just trying to stay cool.  We had a shower for my friend, Brandy.  Isn't this the cutest cake ever?  (I had nothing to do with the cake other than eating it!)

 Alice slept in Jack's tent one night.  It was great until 3:58 am, when she woke up and couldn't figure out where she was and screamed bloody murder.  Jay and I flew in and Jack slept through it all.

 We've been watching the Olympics and Alice fell asleep on the couch one night holding her nose.

 Lots of Oklahoma is on fire.  This was the view from my back door Saturday afternoon.  Saturday night a friend on Facebook asked if I was watching the fire to the southwest of us.  I had no clue what she was talking about, so I went out to look and sure enough, there was a big fire blazing.  Thankfully they got it under control quickly.

 Last night we went to a hotel to swim. Alice liked eating cookies in bed.

Looks relaxing, doesn't it?  I wish the rest of my summer would be like that, but it's about to get busy again and it will be time for school to start before I know it!

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