Friday, September 7, 2012

Fun Friday: Road Trip

 Actually, we've been having fun since Wednesday, when we set out on a little road trip.

 We started out at the OKC Zoo, where we took a little boat ride.

 Alice got stung by a bee and insisted on using a giant bandaid, which she quickly fell off because it was over 100 degrees and she was soaked in sweat.

 And when it's over 100 degrees, you lie down in the creek.

 The kids built a dam!

 Thursday morning we set out for southwest Oklahoma--a separate post will follow later!

 After 6+ hours in the car and dinner in Bricktown with friends, we hit the pool.

We started today off in the pool, too!  After that we went to the Lego store and did a bit of shopping before heading home.  We drove 628 miles while we were gone and we are exhausted!

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