Friday, October 5, 2012

Fun Friday: Nothing Much

 Alice did a little dance this morning about learning letters.  It was mostly a stay at home day, catching up on school stuff and housework since we've had something out every single day this week.

 Around noon, though, we got a call from the bookstore that Jack's order was in, so we made a quick trip to town.

While we were at the bookstore, Alice noticed a Corduroy book and toy set.  Both of my kids have LOVED Corduroy, so I said yes.  When we got home she wanted to show Corduroy (she says it Cohdaroh since she can't make the -oy sound) the Corduroy movie.

A few links:
Check out the Adoption Auction over at the Homeschool Share Blog!  There are some GREAT prizes you could win!

This week's post at MetroFamily is about election activities!

Happy Friday!

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