Friday, October 26, 2012

Fun Friday: Pumpkin Festival

 Today we went to the Pumpkin Festival at Shepherd's Cross.

 We took a hay ride!

 Outside were lots of pumpkins and lots of fun things to do.

 The kids loved the hay maze!

 They played this game for a long, long, long time.

 Alice got bored and moved on to the ring toss.

 I think her favorite thing was the heater.  It was really chilly out there--hard to believe we were at the park in shorts on Monday!
 Inside we found some games to play.

 We also ate our lunch there instead of eating at the park.

 This made me laugh because I looked over and saw them all in their element--the boys engrossed in a Percy Jackson book and Alice with a baby.

 We wrapped up with a little time at the park.

It was a great day!

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