Thursday, October 11, 2012

Science With Dad

 This year Jay has taken over science instruction.  Jay has a microbiology degree, so he's spent a lot more time with a microscope than I have and is much more scientifically-minded than I am. (I'm not sure that's an actual word, but spell check isn't marking it, so I'm leaving it.)

True Microscope Story (Yes, I have a microscope story.):  When Jay proposed, he gave me a ring, but he wanted to be sure I really wanted that ring, so we spent a day visiting jewelry stores.  At one place the guy wanted us to look at the ring under a microscope (since we know everyone's going to be looking at your ring like that) and told Jay, "When you look in there, it makes things look bigger!"  I tried to contain my laughter at the look on Jay's face and now I feel compelled to explain that microscopes make things look bigger any time I see one.  You know, just in case they didn't cover that when he was getting a degree in using a microscope.  And I kept the original ring.

 Jack has made some great drawings and they are going to make some of their own slides.

 To learn about the scientific method, Jay modified an activity from the chemistry unit study at Homeschool Share.

 Jack had several different labeled boxes that each contained a different item.  He could shake the box, smell it, listen to it, read the labels, etc. to try to figure out what was in each one.

He recorded his data and made some guesses.  He really enjoyed it and learned a lot!
(If you can't tell by these pictures, I don't always enforce hair combing on days we don't leave the house.)

This week's post at MetroFamily is all about team teaching!

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