Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner 2012

 Yes, I know it's only November 4, but we had our family Thanksgiving dinner today.  Until last year we usually did this the week before Thanksgiving, but I thought it made more sense to spread it out a bit.

 This year's turkey was not quite 10 pounds.  I always get the smallest one I can find.

 I've been doing this so many years now that it didn't even matter that we were gone all day yesterday and didn't get home until almost 8:00--I started the pies after 11:00!  The only problem I ran into was rolls that weren't quite ready for the oven, so I sat them next to the oven vent.  Problem solved!

 Alice helped set the table.

 I made these little pilgrim hat place holders from an idea I saw on Pinterest.  I didn't have anything to make the bottom of the hat with, so I used ribbon above the rim instead.  It worked out pretty well, but I did have to bring the ribbon down to the bottom on the back side.  Do you like the ribbon Jack chose?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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