Thursday, January 10, 2013

Artist Study: Grandma Moses

 We just wrapped up a study of Grandma Moses.  We didn't do many projects since we were busy with Christmas and New Year activities, but we enjoyed a lot of books!

 Of course we used the Getting to Know... biography!  We didn't use the bigger biography, but I skimmed through it and it looked pretty good.

 We read this short biography by Alexandra Wallner--we also recently enjoyed her biography of Susan B. Anthony.

 The Year with Grandma Moses is a nice book that combines the author's text with Grandma Moses's paintings and writings.

 I checked out The Grandma Moses Storybook from our library and ended up buying a copy.  It includes a biography as well as excerpts from other books accompanied by her paintings.  We've been reading from this during our Morning Basket time.

 We didn't read this book, but we did use it to look at different pictures.

 The only project we got to was painting our own Grandma Moses-style paintings.  Since she used whatever wood she could find, we used wood pieces for ours.  As you can see, Jack took her simple pictures of people to heart and made stick people!  He had fun and can easily identify her work, so I'm happy.

You can see Alice's first painting at the right, but when she asked if it was "Grandma Mosesy" and I said no, she made another one.  You can see the sky and clouds squeezed in at the top and then the gray things on the grass are people.

You could also try embroidering a simple scene, too.  Grandma Moses actually used fabric before she turned to painting!

Next up is Raphael!

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