Sunday, February 10, 2013

Date Night

 Last night was the Daddy Daughter Dance.  Alice has been looking forward to this since she saw the decorations at the gym after last year's dance.

 While the boys were out running errands we gave ourselves pedicures.

 Alice chose to eat at Taco Bueno before the dance.

 With her cousin

 When Jay brought her back to my parents' house, she was pretty worn out.  She got a second wind (and a third), though.

 My date for the evening was Jack!

He wanted to go out for pizza so we did that and then watched the new episode of Marvin Marvin.

After the dance, Jay and I went to a Valentine party for his work and then we went home for a Downton Abbey marathon.  We had to finish the last episode when we got up this morning, but we are now done with the third season and I can resume my chores in the evening again.

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