Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring!

 We saw lots of signs of spring this weekend and it was in the 70s.  By Monday we were wearing heavy coats again, yesterday we didn't need a jacket, and tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 40s.  So, pretty much a regular spring in Oklahoma.

 The schools here are on Spring Break but we've been chugging along with school plus some extras.  Today we had lunch with the cutest baby around!

 Alice made a jello burrito.  She ate it all.

Along with everyone else in town, we went to a life-sized Candy Land at the library this afternoon.  Nothing too especially springy, but fun anyway.

Now it's time for me to finish up my state parks article and then I'll be back with pictures from our last trip and some of the stuff we've been doing in school lately.

Happy Spring!

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