Friday, May 3, 2013

Fun Friday: Oh, Christmas Tree!

 Today we took a little trip to the Owasso Tree and Berry Farm.  MetroFamily will have an article soon on places you can pick your own stuff, so I'll mostly be writing about blackberries and blueberries, but today it felt more like December than May!

 We were freezing!

 Pretending to log roll on the parking lot barriers.

 Jack always asks to eat pizza at Sam's and we never have, partly because he always asks when we're checking out and I'm ready to get home as soon as possible.  Since we were going to be out for a while today we had lunch before we started the shopping and the kids thought it was great!

 This week has been crazy busy.  Tuesday and Wednesday I was gone all day to the OCHEC convention and Wednesday night Jay and I went to see Fleetwood Mac.  Thursday was full of errands and Show and Tell Day at PE--I will have to see if I can upload the video later.

Wednesday Jack went to the homeschool art class at Philbrook and they made masks!

We have a few fun things planned next week and I am hoping the weather warms up so we can actually enjoy being out.  Happy Friday!

Read about Oklahoma State Parks here--and see if you can spot Jack and Alice in the Water Zoo ad!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that water zoo ad is pretty cool! My kids would love that!
