Sunday, May 12, 2013

Holy Road

I found I could go no more;
My basket empty,
and before me a thousand colored doors.*

 I remember the point in labor where you realize everything has just been leading up to this and now it's all really beginning.  In a few more minutes everything is going to change and you're just waiting to see what's behind the door.  What I didn't realize--at least then--is that behind that door are many more doors, and many more times that you find your basket empty.  Thankfully there is always something to fill it.

'Cause I know the soothe of a song when the trap has got me lame,
and I know the chorus of crickets singing out their nightly praise,
and I know the sound of a swelling storm just before it rains.

These are the stones of a holy road
and I pick them up and I gather them as I go. 

 Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Beautiful post! Loved the pics. Happy Mother's Day, Jen!!

  2. Is the Ultrasound new or old? NEW or OLD??????

  3. Old!! That is Alice--no announcements!!
