Tuesday, June 25, 2013


 Today was incredibly long, but since there are only nine minutes left until Wednesday, I'll try to make this post quick!  We started off at the park with friends--we're sad because some of them are moving out of state this week!

 Then we went to a shadow puppet show at the library.

 And then it was on to Bartlesville to see friends!

 The kids spent a couple of hours in a water balloon war--the older siblings against the younger siblings.

 After dinner we went to the Kiddie Park--there are enough cute pictures I'll probably do a whole post soon.

 The first thing they rode was the roller coaster and Alice was half terrified and half delighted.

 Snack time!

 Jack and Alice were so excited when Emalee and Anna got out of soccer and came back to ride rides with them.

We stayed until closing and made it home just after 11:00.  Tomorrow is going to come way to soon!

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