Sunday, June 30, 2013

Veterans Memorial Park

 When we moved to Moore almost exactly 8 years ago, this was the view over our back fence.  It was overgrown and weedy and if your ball went over, it wasn't coming back.

 By the next summer, though, they had started clearing things out.  We were a little nervous because we were losing a lot of shade and we weren't sure what the plans were.

 It turned out to be fabulous!  This is Jack (in the orange shirt) the very first time we went to the park in June 2006.

 He had his third birthday there.

 And as you can see, we never bought a swingset because it's kind of pointless when you have a whole park just behind your fence.

 It was a great place to walk--

 Even if you were just learning!

 And if you had to take a bathroom break?  Your own clean potties were just over the creek.

 We had egg hunts there.

 Jack found the Elders there, too.  (If you've ever watched Lord of the Beans this might make sense to you.)

 Of course there was fun play equipment, too.

 And if you got bored with that, you could always head to the creek.

As you can see, this park has been a special place for us, even after we moved.  The park and our old neighborhood (and our house) were hit hard in the May 20 tornado.  If you click here you can see the damage in photos taken on May 21.  The third picture would have been taken from somewhere close to our back yard.  Please vote here to help Veterans Memorial Park win $100,000 toward the cost of reconstruction!

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