Friday, July 12, 2013

Grandpa's Garden

 This week we were at my mom and dad's and Alice told my dad she wanted "to help pull some food out of the ground."

 Jack decided he wanted to help, too.

 My dad always has a big garden.  Since we always had this in our backyard I am positive I never asked to get to pick stuff and probably hid if I knew I was going to be told to pick--especially green beans!

 I had to take a picture of this tomato from every angle.

Alice loves to help Grandpa!


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    You probably don't remember much of me, but I'm Trish Youmans...your mom was my teaching supervisor when I student taught at Vandever. Then, I was hired and taught 2nd grade with her for a year and then moved to Wolf Creek and taught 3rd for a couple years until the babies started arriving :-). I can't remember if it was you or Amy that sold the cookie dough, but I remember the order sheet on the back of the lounge door and then seeing stacks of cookie dough in the freezer. Your mom had sent me a link to your blog a while back and I just came across it again today. I've homeschooled my 5 and just finished my 16th year. Our oldest son will be a junior at ORU, and then our 2nd son will be a freshman at JBU here in Siloam Springs. Our daughter will be a junior, and then I have 2 more sons that are 8th and 6th. I enjoyed reading up on your kids and seeing some all the pictures.

  2. So fun! I am envious of your dads garden! It looks amazing!!
