Saturday, November 9, 2013

Books to Treasure 2013

 Last night was this year's Books to Treasure presentation.  This year the illustrator was Peter Brown.

 Waiting for the talk to start!

 He showed some of his artwork from when he was little, which I always think is fun to see.

 He also talked about some of his favorite picture books.

 He was a pretty entertaining speaker.  I'm not sure who picks the authors and illustrators they bring in, but they do a good job because they are almost always really fun to hear.

 We spent a little over an hour waiting in line but the kids did a pretty good job of keeping themselves happy.

 Finally!  We purchased several books and the kids each got two signed.

 Alice was a little unsure, but she went up all on her own!

 We got home around 10:00 and we were worn out, because in addition to Books to Treasure we also went to see Frogz in the morning...

...and we went to the homeschool skate in the afternoon, where Jack and Alice somehow took second and third place in a roller skating limbo contest.  Thankfully today is much more low-key!

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