Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Festival of Trees 2013

 Today we went to the Festival of Trees at Philbrook.  The kids love to do this every year and I was afraid we had waited too long, but thankfully it doesn't end until this weekend!  Really, I think we all like the gingerbread houses more than the trees.  The kids always pose with their favorites.

 This was my favorite this year--a replica of Philbrook!

 The kids next to their favorite trees.

 And in other exciting museum news, Alice is finally old enough to get her own MyMuseum box!

 Our next stop was Utica Square to see the scenes from The Nutcracker.  The first scene is by Starbucks.  I'm including that bit of information because we forget every.single.year.

 A real working phone booth!  I told the kids we'd try to remember to bring some quarters next time!

 Our last stop of the day was the Discovery Lab.

 In the Make Shop the theme this month is Painting with Light.  I'll try to remember to post more about this later because it was really cool, but the short of it is that Jack got to do some fun experiments with light and time lapse photography.

Alice liked the light boxes!

After so many days at home with the snow and then long days out yesterday and today I am ready to be a homebody again!

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