Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Rest of Christmas

 After I opened my new camera we took a few more shots at home.

 Then it was time to head to my mom and dad's!

 The kids were very happy with their gifts--including this cooking set for Alice that was from us, but somehow ended up at Grandma and Grandpa's in the rush of transporting gifts.

 After dinner we headed to Jay's mom and dad's, where Jack found the snack tray and kicked back.

 The kids loved playing with their new cousin, Olivia.  She was determined to get Jack's hat!

 After she climbed all over him, Jack said he felt bad from Grandpa for the way they always climb on him.



 When Jack photobombs a picture he just tries to fit right in.

All of the grandkids!

Now it's time to get ready for New Year's fun!

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