Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Will Rogers

 Today we went another 106.6 miles (bringing this year's total to 2522) to see where Will Rogers was born (in Oologah) and to the Will Rogers Memorial Museum (in Claremore).

 The weather looked absolutely beautiful, but the wind made it horribly cold--especially for the last day of April!

 When we got there we spotted a peacock right away, which was neat because we are reading Will Rogers, A Boy's Life right now and there was a story about Will scaring another kid with a peacock.

 There isn't anyone that works at the ranch to talk with, but the house is open and you can look around downstairs.

 There are also some things to read and a video to watch.

 This is the room where he was born.

 Outside there are animals.  This donkey really liked Jack and would follow him if Jack tried to move.

 Alice loved this cat!

 The boys found some cool stuff in the shed.

 Group shot--Alice said, "This is like a high school picture!"

 It's only about a 15 minute drive from the ranch into Claremore, so we had lunch and then went to the museum.  We had gone a couple of years ago, but the kids didn't really remember it.
 You can download a scavenger hunt for the museum on their website, so I brought that and the volunteers were really helpful.

 Playing in the children's area

 We went outside and the kids rolled down this hill over and over until Alice finally said, "I think I'm going to puke!"  And then she started rolling again.

 This statue is by his tomb.

It was a long, chilly day (we still had to get back for art class after this), but we had a great time!


  1. You probably already know this, but Jacob used to live in Claremore and he graduated from Oolagah High School. :) He never mentioned these cool places!

  2. We did the exact same trip last spring :) It is a beautiful ranch, I wouldn't mind moving there. There were people around working when we were there but we did not ask them anything. Was the trick roper at the museum when you went? That was my boys favorite part.
