Monday, May 26, 2014

Go West! (Part 2)

 Friday morning we started off at Boiling Springs State Park.

 This is a beautiful area!

 We walked some of the trails.  Alice spent most of the walk finding roly polies.

 Jack spotted a deer!

 There is a really neat teepee made of logs on the River Trail.

Alice also enjoyed finding snails in the creek.

 Playing on the park playground

 Our next stop was the Woodward Arts Theatre.

 Jack on the stage!

 On the way to lunch we found a cat sleeping in a store window.  Every time Alice put her hand up to the glass it would rub up against it.

 After lunch we went to the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum.  I got my own guided tour and learned a lot about the history of the area.

 This 25 needle sewing machine is in the museum!

 While I was in the museum, the kids got their own personal tour!

 The museum director showed them how to throw spears.

 Alice threw the spear and the spear holder!

 Our next stop was putt putt at Crystal Beach Park.  We also did the paddle boats, but I don't have a picture of that.


 Debbie Hickman is the wonderful tourism director in Woodward and she spent Thursday evening and all Friday showing us around.  She does a fabulous job!

 Also at the park there is a Kiwanis train that the kids enjoyed.

It started raining, but we stayed a while longer!

Saturday morning we went back to the park for a while before the pool opened.
 Have I mentioned how much my kids loved this park?

 The pool opened a little later than we thought it was going to, so we went and got some lunch for a picnic.

 When the pool did finally open, Jack went straight to touch the water so he could say he was the first customer of the season.

 The water was really cold!  Jack decided it would be best to just go down the slide and get in all at once.

 He was also brave enough to get by the giant bucket.

 Alice finally warmed up in the wading pool and swam some.

 On the way home we passed through the Gloss Mountains.  We didn't stop since Alice was asleep, but we could see people up on top.

It took us almost four hours to get home (including a stop in Enid) and our new total for the year is 2978.5 miles!


  1. This is a trip I want to take! I will have to take notes from you and then I'll brave it with my four!

  2. Hey Jen - I look at your blog now and then. Glad I did - I love those 'hamster wheels' ! There were several at nearby parks in IL growing up, but they have all since been taken down because they are 'so dangerous' - how great that there was one there! Wish I knew of one close by. Just had to comment because I love those things!
