Spending the quarters from his stocking
After the mall it was on to lunch, Sam's, and Target. We arrived home to the lovely chirp of an alarm with a low battery, so it was back in the car and over to Radio Shack before I went insane. And did you know that once you install the new battery you get to listen to it continue to chirp while it charges? That is great fun.I had a 20% off coupon for Children's Place so I got Jack a couple of jeans in the next two sizes and some t-shirts that were on sale. We stopped in at Old Navy and found this cute shirt. Jack must really like it because he told me he will be wearing it tomorrow.
As far as decluttering goes, I cleaned out one of the bottom cabinets today. Did you know we have a little crock pot and one of these things?
Then it was on to a Jesse Bear story, dinner, and a bath. Our bedtime story was one of the new Henry and Mudge books that came in the book order. Now Jack is asleep and I am off to watch the show and do the scrapbooking I meant to do last night. Have a good day!
Loved the pic of Jack in his new shirt!