Saturday, March 29, 2008

Then and Now

Last weekend it was time to switch Jack's carseat. So of course I had to take some pictures...

Here he is riding facing forward for the first time...

...and here he is almost three years later!

This is his new booster seat. He LOVES it--his exact words were, "This seat has all the things I need!" He has cup holders on both sides and the seat belt allows him much more freedom to look for his own stuff in the toy box, which I love. He can also let himself out, which is nice.

I also realized that it was a year ago that we started our landscaping in the backyard. Here is Jack with our apricot tree in 2007...

...and in 2008.
We are having internet problems, so this may be my last post for a few days. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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