Monday, June 16, 2008

Eight Years

Eight years ago tonight, Jay and I got married. What did we do tonight, you ask? Romantic dinner? Movie? Ummm....No. For some reason we have never really celebrated our wedding anniversary. In fact, let me give you the skinny on anniversaries past:
  • Year 1: Jay was in Ohio; I was in Oklahoma.
  • Year 2: I think we went to get the last place setting for our nice dishes, but I'm not sure.
  • Year 3: I have no clue.
  • Year 4: I thought I was hot stuff because I cooked a nice dinner at home--the first time I'd done that since Jack was born six days earlier.
  • Year 5: Jay was in McCook, NE; I was in Omaha--5 hours away, just in case you aren't up on your Nebraska geography.
  • Year 6: Again, no clue. None at all.
  • Year 7: We went to a kid's birthday party and to the aquarium with my parents. We also went to Best Buy to pick up "Serenity."
So you can see that we're really into the anniversary thing around here. I have never really felt bad about not doing anything fancy, but I did feel like we should do something for it. Enter Dawn's blog. (At least I'm pretty sure this is where I saw it. If not, check it out anyway because she has lots of neat ideas and yummy looking snacks.) Somewhere in the last year she had a post about celebrating their anniversary as the birthday of their family. I don't really remember any more details than that, and heaven forbid I should actually hunt for the post, so we just threw ourselves a little family birthday party and called it good. Jack and I picked up an ice cream cake this afternoon and after dinner we lit the candles and sang to ourselves. There was a little confusion as to whether we needed to change the lyrics to suit the occasion, but in the end it sounded pretty nice.



  2. I've got to get that Sam Cooke song! Loved it!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I remember your wedding being great fun!
