Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Adventure Box (& Giveaway!)

This summer we are doing an adventure box. There are tons of different ways to do these boxes, most probably much more creative than mine, but this is our first time to try this out and we're excited! Jack decided he wanted to do a dinosaur box, so I took a file box and painted it, glued on pictures, and then covered it all with Mod Podge. For the lid, I painted the sides and then made the top into a little felt board. Thank you, Alana, for that idea!

To make the dinosaurs, I scanned a pair of Jack's pajama bottoms. Jay drew the pterodactyl for me.

Inside the lid I hot-glued a pouch to hold the felt pieces when they aren't in use.

Each week something new and dinosaur-related will appear in the box. I've got lots of books, some art things, several activity books, some glow in the dark dinos, a puzzle, and some tattoos. Sometime in the next week or so we will head down to the museum to check out the new exhibit. We've been trying to sneak peeks all winter and now it is finally done! Later this summer Jack is going to attend a week-long class on dinosaurs there, too!

And now for the giveaway! One lucky winner will get a Jurassic Dinosaurs sticker book, a package of Super Growing Dinosaurs (these are cool!), a package of sparkly dinosaur stickers, and a copy of Big Rex, which was the first dinosaur book Jack ever owned--though this is a new copy that has not been broken in by a chewing baby. If you would like to enter the drawing, please leave a comment on this post by midnight, Sunday, June 8. I will post the winner on Monday, June 9. Good luck!


  1. Once again, I wish I were just half as creative as you!


  2. That looks awesome, Jen! I am very impressed.

  3. Jen, I check your blog every once in awhile since I read your occaisonal posts on the FIAR boards. Great job on the adventure box, I'm feeling inspired!

    Lori in ND

  4. Jen, I want to enter the giveaway. My daughter loves dinosaurs and would be thrilled to win these! Thanks!

    I also love your adventure box. I will be planning one for next year now.

  5. What a box! I wish I had room to do that at our house.

    J2 just might need an upgrade though.

    I'd love just a few more dinosaur things...

    Heather W

  6. You did an awesome job!

    My son also loves dinosaurs.

  7. Jen,
    The box is beautiful. How long did it take you to do that? I'm really impressed. Great job.

  8. Your dinosaure box looks SO fun!

  9. How fun!
    You did a great job!
    I'm sure it will be a HIT!

    Thanks for sharing...

    Ivy from the FIAR boards!

  10. This makes me want to get started on one--or four. Great job!

  11. From one Jack to another! My nephew, Jack, would love your giveaway! He already has several dinosaur books and this would be great for his collection!

  12. Very cool Jen! Reminds me a lot of the things that your mom used to do in her classroom. Put me in for the giveaway. We are working on our own dinosaur math unit with Nan. Very cool.

  13. Am I disqualified because I gave you the idea for the felt top? Just asking....

    Great job, Jen! I bet Jack will have the time of his life. Also, my kids will never see the awesome adventure box you made. They think it is cool that I just bought some stuff and put it on the school table. No need to set the bar any higher than it already is! LOL!

  14. Jen, your talent amazes me! Can I have just a pinch of your creativity? Please? Count me in on the giveaway!

  15. Jen,
    That box is awesome!!! Great job! Oh and I love your new header. I really need to learn how to make one for my blog.

  16. O.k you are such an awesome mama!! That adventure box is TDF!! Jack is a lucky boy. I have been thinking of doing those lately but ahhh, when I think of it all....I put the thought wayyyy back in the recesses of the mind, where they are never to surface again.

  17. This is a cool idea :) Love it! Please count me in your drawing my little boys and I would love this!
