Friday, July 11, 2008


For the last two years we have gone blackberry picking at the same orchard about half an hour away. Jack really enjoys it--so much so that last year he said he wanted to have his birthday party there.



This year they didn't have the little wooden train that he had liked to play on in years past, but it didn't bother Jack because of the new addition: a ride to the bushes in a little horse-drawn cart.

Jack picked about a quart on his own. He even remembered what color to pick.

Jay had the day off, so he went, too.

A little taste testing

This evening for dessert we had blackberry cobbler!


  1. How fun! We picked blackberries this week too, except we just have to go to Brandon's grandma's house. She has the thornless kind. We had cobbler last night too!

  2. That's the kind these are--otherwise I don't think Jack would have wanted to go back after the first year! haha

  3. What fun! You are such a cool mom and are always doing such fun things!

  4. Ooooo I am so jealous!!! I remember visiting my grandparents in Missouri one summer and they had blackberries at the edge of their land by the train tracks. We picked berries and I ended up covered in chiggers. My feet were so covered and swollen (b/c no matter how many times I was told it would make them worse...I scratched) that I was unable to wear shoes for days! But warm homemade blackberry cobbler with cold ice there is nothing like it!!!

  5. Where is this one, Jen? Love the carriage!
